Monday, July 30, 2012

Where the Mind Goes the Man Follows

   As I contemplated what to write about for this blog, the Lord kept bringing to my mind Proverbs 3:27, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." This verse tells us that what we think about will mold us into what we will become. Consider that God used His words to speak everything into existence; this is confirmation that the spoken word is a container of power. Therefore, if one allows oneself to think negative, worried, fearful thoughts, then one will become a negative, worried, fearful person. You cannot think defeat and expect victory. You can't think poverty, and expect wealth. You can't think the worst, and expect the best.

   In my own life I have struggled with being that bubbly, happy-go-lucky person who seems as if they don't have a care in the world. The truth is that my life has been hard; as a child there was much family dysfunction and as an adult I endured 19 years of domestic violence. (To learn more visit my website at

   The words that were spoken to me, by those who claimed to love me, had convinced me that I was those things they said I was (fat, ugly, stupid, and the list goes on). Breaking this mindset only happened when I found my identity in the One who knows me better than anyone. Now my identity is in my "Who," meaning Who I am in Christ; not in my "Do," meaning my performance, my being a "people pleaser." Not having an identity that says I'm okay as long as I can keep everyone else happy in my life.

   As I continue on this journey, I am learning to "think about what I'm thinking about." Often when my mood is unsettled, all that is necessary is to become aware of what I have had on my mind. Usually it is something that is negative and not beneficial to anyone. Renewing our thoughts by dwelling in His word is the only way to find victory over negative thinking. The more one studies the Word the more one will be able to recognize and then reject the lies Satan tells us.

   Joel Osteen has said in his book, Guarding Your Thoughts, "you've got to dwell on the positive and not the negative. Quit thinking about what you don't have and start thinking about what you do have. Quit thinking about what's wrong with you and start thinking about what's right with you. Quit thinking about how big your problem is and start dwelling on the fact of how big your God is."

   As I look back on where I was compared to where I am now, I know that "taking every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) has led me from being that broken person trapped in an abusive marriage to one who is now obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. This is not to imply that it has been easy. I was very intimidated to go back to college at my age. Satan frequently reminded me how terrible I did in my academic endeavors as a child. I've had to repeatedly tell myself that the Truth of God's word tells me that "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13). Therefore, "I can do this." Choosing not to listen to those negative voices that told me I couldn't, I have to completely lean on God as he leads me into a life of purpose. Changing my thoughts, not permitting others or my life circumstances to define me, has brought about positive change.

   He will do the same for you. Meditate on His word, change your thinking and He will bring restoration and healing to your life!

Connie Hanten
Liberty University
New Hope Counselor Intern

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