Monday, June 22, 2015

The Bitter, The Sweet, and the Bittersweet

Sometimes we have to embrace the bitter cup that is set before us, allowing our souls to empathetically come alongside, to join into the sorrows around us and even to stir up the sorrows buried deep within us.

As we do this, we must also be aware and cultivate our end of a real conversation with Jesus in this process.

Even if He is not heard from or even felt within this cloud of sadness we have chosen to be blended into, or forced to walk through, we must never forget that He is still there with us and in the entire situation, in ways that are deeper and more significant than we will ever understand.

Just holding onto that Truth of truths… matter what things look like or feel like, will keep us from being sucked too far into the darkness.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and yes, forever.

Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us.
Jesus is with us always, and in all ways, even until the end of time.

Whether sooner or later, if we hold on in faith, with or without a discernible response, there will come… almost imperceptible lightening of our load.
...a subtle brightening in our hearts.
...a small taste of sweetening within the bitterness.

The circumstances may not change, nor ever have been able to be any different, but we are enabled to change our hearts, our minds, our understanding, our acceptance.

What was so so bitter, becomes slowly bittersweet, not because it is actually any better, but because we have become better, bigger, and stronger in our deepened and empowered faith, closer to Jesus... Who was with us the whole way through!

Neil Uniacke
Executive Director

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