2 Corinthians 1:19 For the Son of God, Christ Jesus
(the Messiah), who has been preached among you by us, by myself, Silvanus, and
Timothy, was not yes and no; but in Him it is [always the divine] Yes. 20 For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their yes [answer] in Him [Christ]. For this reason we also utter
the Amen (so be it) to God through Him [in His Person and by His agency] to the
glory of God.
All of
God’s promises are fulfilled in and through Jesus, who has always been the one
mediator between the Father and humanity (1 Timothy 2:5) as the unchanging
God-Man (Theanthropos – Hebrews 13:8). Jesus is the eternal Word through whom
the universe was spoken into being, the sinless substitute who lived perfectly
and gave His life completely for us, as well as the unique, resurrected, and glorified
first fruits of the new creation yet to come!
No wonder
we can proclaim a wholehearted AMEN to our heavenly Father in response to His
powerful and wondrous promises to us.
The one
greatest promise and gift from God proclaimed for us throughout the entire
Bible, from which all the other promises spring forth to us, is that Jesus is
IMMANUEL - always with us, our living God close by and intimately available
through every trial, tribulation, and triumph:
Matthew 1:20 (Mary) will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior, God saves], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God Himself] 22 All this took place that it might be fulfilled which the Lord had spoken through the prophet, 23 Behold, the virgin shall become pregnant and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel—which, when translated, means, God with us.
The book of Revelation has been seen by many as
a series of graphically depicted judgments, primarily or exclusively negative,
terrifying, and mysteriously difficult to comprehend. While elements of this
definition may be somewhat relevant, they must be presented and balanced in
conjunction with the greatest revelation of this book and the whole Bible,
which is expressed openly in the first verse of the first chapter, and at the
concluding chapter and verse as well:
Revelation 1:1 [This is] the revelation of Jesus Christ.
The unfolding Revelation
given to us in this book, crowns and completes the full Scriptural unveiling of
God and His communication to humanity. In it we find an especially strong focus
on Jesus Himself, in all His splendor and glory as the exalted King of Kings
and glorified Lord of Lords. And yet His infinite Lordship is always intimately
connected to His people.
Jesus is glorious and
exalted, yet He is in the midst of and walking among the golden lampstands.
Each of these lampstands symbolizes gatherings of His followers in various
communities and regions, and Jesus sojourns with them!
Revelation 1:12 Then I turned to see [whose was] the voice
that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands (which
are the seven churches), 13 And in the
middle of the lampstands [One] like a Son of Man, clothed with a robe which reached to His feet and with a
girdle of gold about His breast.
continues to bring us understanding of how Jesus is glorified at the center of
the spiritual universe, yet continues to be with us always. In chapter 4 and 5
John the Revelator has been called by God to “Come up here” and to
actually experience heavenly realities. God’s throne in heaven is fully revealed,
and Jesus is depicted as the Lamb who had been slaughtered for our sakes.
absolute unity with the Father is shown by His seven horns, which represent
perfect shared authority over all things. Jesus is shown to have absolute unity
with God the Holy Spirit, through His seven eyes, which symbolize both His
omniscience (knowing all things) and omnipresence (being ever present
everywhere). The sevenfold nature of the Spirit of God also represents His
divine attributes (Isaiah 11:1-10) and the divine virtues or fruit that flow
from His love (Galatians 5:22 – 23).
passage from 2 Chronicles shows us that His omnipresent and omniscient activity
is on our behalf, even as Romans 8:31 – 39 reminds us that if He is for us, no
matter what our circumstances look like, no one that stands against us will
ultimately succeed. More significantly, nothing in either spiritual or physical
creation can separate us from the love of God, which is resident in Jesus our
5:6 And there between the throne of the
living God and the four living creatures (beings) and among the elders I saw a
Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven
eyes, which are [the sevenfold Holy Spirit of God] who have been sent [on duty
far and wide] into all the earth.
2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him.
That Jesus dwells within and among us and stands with us, brings great comfort and joy, to all those who have been called out from the control of this present world system. It is by dwelling together in His love (Ephesians 3:14 – 21), in whatever number we may be, whether two or many more, that we can know that Jesus is with us and desiring greater intimacy and fellowship with each of us. He also leads by His Spirit, into greater realization that we are the children of God (Romans 8:14), and that He is leading us into triumphs and victories (2 Corinthians 2:14 – 16) beyond our comprehension.
Matthew 18: 19 Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (harmonize together, make a symphony together) about whatever [anything and everything] they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For wherever two or three are gathered (drawn together as my followers) in (into) my name, there I Am in the midst of them.
Jesus ended His days on the earth with His apostles, by commissioning them in His delegated universal authority, to go into all the world and share His good news. Most of the time we focus on what Jesus told us to do, as He desired us to. However, we can also easily forget that our going forth and doing all these marvelous things is based in three elements of spiritual reality:
1. We have been commissioned and authorized by Almighty Father God to go and make disciples, by baptizing them (this represents the whole process of being witnesses and introducing people by word and deed to Jesus), and by teaching them (this represents the correct communication and transmission of all that Jesus said and did, plus how and why He said and did it).
2. We must actually be obedient to the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit to do these things as Jesus did.
3. We have to remember we can only do the first two fruitfully and lovingly, if we remain consistently connected to Jesus, who also has promised to be with us constantly until the end of time!
Matthew 28:18 Jesus came to them (the apostles waiting on the mountain) and, breaking the silence, said to them, All authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 Teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you, and behold, I am with you all the days (perpetually, uniformly, and on every occasion), to the [very] close and consummation of the age. Amen (so let it be).
We can trust Jesus not only to be with us constantly, but to be the same person He was revealed Himself to be throughout the Old Testament, as well as the same Friend and Master that He proved to be as He walked and interacted with His disciples in Galilee and in Jerusalem 2000 years ago. Jesus is exactly the same as He showed Himself, through the Holy Spirit, to be to those first generations of devoted early followers. Jesus’ love and power is undiminished, as He focuses on us with all His compassion and care when we face difficulties and obstacles in this present hour.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is [always] the same, yesterday, today, [yes] and forever (to the ages).
Jesus knows the forces arrayed against His children and the struggles they must endure. His promise to be with us always, in every way, until the end, is underlined by this amazing text of Scripture, using the most emphatic language possible to be mustered in the Greek language of the time the New Testament was written. We are given divine encouragement and strengthening, as we receive these Biblical promises by faith, and internalize them through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Hebrews 13:5 For He Himself has said and this statement is absolutely true: I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] never, [I will] never, [I will] never in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!] 6 So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me?
Jesus is present with us always, beyond any other human relationship or ability. This is not something He chooses to do now or must do out of obligation. It is an eternal decree Jesus made before time, which unfolds His many graces and promises to His body, His bride, for which He has already given His whole life as a human being, and His willing death as the Savior of the world. We are already carved on the palms of His hands and will never ever be forgotten, abandoned, or neglected in any way!
Isaiah 49:14 Zion said, The Lord has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me 15 [And the Lord answered] Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yes, they may forget, yet I will not forget you. 16 Behold, I have carved [engraved, inscribed] you on the palm of each of My hands.
Neil Uniacke
Executive Director
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