Monday, October 1, 2012

Who Jesus Really Is!

A small fraction of the educated population think that Jesus never actually existed, although the great majority of historians and archeologists have no such doubts, objectively researching into the preponderance of archeological evidence and extra-Biblical secular writings of that ancient period, which heavily corroborate and buttress the basic historical reality of the Gospel accounts and other New Testament references.

 Others consider Jesus to be an iterant preacher, well within the  mainstream proto-Rabbinical schools of thought and general discussion of the Jewish culture of that early first century age, Who may have been killed for some involvement in stirring up the population, as He followed along after the already well established tradition of John the Baptist.

Still more recognize Jesus as an amazing teacher and philosopher Who was able to synergize the highest aspirations and greatest thoughts of the Jewish theologians and the Greek thinkers, distilling them into simple expressions which illuminate and inspire people of every culture and religion to this day, with a depth of reflection and insight that is transcendent and applicable to every age of human development and in every situation.

Another view is that of Jesus the prophet and miracle worker, coming to Israel as the capstone of a long line of prophetic voices calling God’s ancient chosen people back to fidelity and holiness before Him, and to a rejection of the other predominant doctrinal and dogmatic schools of that first century timeframe. His power and persuasive speaking abilities threatened the religious status quo to such a degree that He had to be eliminated, by the collusion of the secular authorities of that time and place, both Roman (Pontius Pilate) and semi-Jewish (Herod Anitpas), supposedly to keep the peace of the nation, as spoken of by the chief priest, Caiaphas.

There are many more who have come to recognize and confess that Jesus is their Savior and the Redeemer of the whole world, Who was born of a virgin, lived in perfect righteousness, Who taught a fullness of truth that both summed up and superseded the writings of the Scriptures and the Rabbinical schools of interpretation. Jesus, Who was tried, tortured, tormented, and crucified for the sins of the world as the spotless sacrificial Lamb of God, fulfilled and completed the sacrificial system practiced by the Priesthood of Israel.

Most of these also believe that Jesus rose from the dead on the morning after the Passover Sabbath day, ascended into heavenly realms, and will come again physically and literally at the consummation of this age. They see Jesus as the only Way to the Father, and the only One Who every knee in the physical and spiritual universe will bow to, by Whose Name we must be saved!

Beyond the arguments that Jesus never existed, each of these other understandings of Jesus has an increasing degree of validity. Those that have come into the full knowledge of Jesus as the world’s only Savior have begun an eternal journey of great discovery about this Person we call the Son of God.

Even so, in the faith life and daily experience of many of Jesus’ followers, there still seems to be a lack of full acknowledgement in thinking of and relating to Jesus for many. This lack of focus surrounds the truest and deepest overarching focus of the whole Bible concerning Jesus of Nazareth. Many do not seem to comprehend and appreciate that every thought, word, and deed of this God-Man (the absolutely unique Theanthropos), every title, every prophecy, every story, every revelation about Him is simply an element of the greatest and fullest truth of all: His full and complete Divinity or Deity!

It is in understanding, meditating upon, and being inspired by this main Truth of the Scriptures that we can be transported to heights in our intellectual, emotional, and spiritual connection or communion with Jesus, more deeply relating to Him in a greater way than ever before. This personal journey mirrors the development of each apostolic writer, as they moved from unbelief into an ever more complete revelation and personal surrender to Jesus, as King of Kings, Lord of Lords, God the Son, the Eternal Word!  

As we study the Bible with a desire to know more about what it means that Jesus is truly and fully GOD, we will find ourselves joining with the company of believing theologians who have given their earthly existence to know and share this understanding with everyone to bless and lift them to the same heavenly heights. When our understanding of Jesus increases, our trust and faith in Him increases and His blessings are able to pour into our lives more readily and completely!
Neil Uniacke
Executive Director

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