Differing types of Christians are like a great variety of flavors, each drawing different people into their focus and then re-creating more like themselves.
Although God uses each of these flavors to bring forth His kingdom in a variety of ways, each is also missing aspects or elements that would actually make any of us stronger disciples.
The greatest good would result if all these emphases were combined in some way. Hybrids in the natural world, whether animals or plants, are combined together to be stronger, hardier, and yield a greater harvest.
Wisely and carefully mixing the deepest Biblical truths from a variety of traditions or theologies, could create disciples who look more like Jesus, instead of looking like any of us or our distinctives!
Those who are becoming more fully like Jesus would be consistently focused on:
- deep, wholehearted loving of believers, neighbors, strangers, and enemies.
- generous Spirit-led giving as good stewards of God's spiritual and material resources.
- holy fruitfulness by God's Spirit.
- humble servanthood toward all.
- supernaturally initiated and empowered good works of faith.
- fulfilling their unique giftings, callings, and destiny.
- growing in the true knowledge and continuous application of the truth of God's word.
- fully knowing Jesus is in them and they in Him.
- glorifying our heavenly Father above all else.
~Neil Uniacke
Executive Director
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