Monday, February 27, 2012

Discerning Deception When Dealing With Danger

We all really live in a world full of many kinds of dangers!

Sadly, many people respond to these dangers with either a strongly paranoid reaction; a fear-based overemphasis that exaggerates danger well beyond the reality we actually face at any given time, or choose to live in some level of denial, which underestimates danger to the point of almost a complete lack of sensibility to it at all.

Both the selective diminution and the unwarranted expansion of danger in our own minds are actually grounded in the same root: we are allowing ourselves to be deceived about the true and real nature of the dangerous things that surround us.

Blowing up the potential for danger is permitting our fears to overtake and even destroy us: both those fears placed on or in us by others, as well as those welling up from within, caused by past experiences which may have no bearing on the current situation we find ourselves in! We can eventually give way to the multitude of these fears, so that they rise up and take us over, causing us to move into emotional overraction to perceived dangers that may not even exist at all.

Giving in like this will eventually erode away our ability to ever feel safe and to have normal relationships. These internal fears are very similar to the emotional trap of jealousy, in that we feel and think we see exaggerated and mistaken signs around us, from which we draw faulty conclusions about the things or people we become overly focused on. The conclusions we draw compel us to create special conditions for our own safety and security, and then to put our increasingly unrealistic conditions on others in an attempt to control the external circumstances. We can ultimately withdraw as completely as possible into our own self-created and maintained safe havens, not trusting nor free from the anxiety we have created within ourselves.

Denying the reality of danger is also based in deceptions which foster a thrill-seeking, risk-taking immaturity, supposing ourselves to be invincible and invulnerable through a self-centered sensational misunderstanding of the limits of individuality and freedom. We can also employ the blindfold of denial, as we are sliding further and further into a deep, guilt-driven, unconscious desire to push ourselves toward the negative outcomes and consequences of our overly risky actions. This negative downslide will eventually bring us to severely hurt ourselves and anyone around us who really cares for us. The deeper the denial, the greater the willingness to take risks and/or the more likely the most severe consequences will result in the end!

The only effective remedy is TRUTH! This antidote is not the kind of truth which simply understands the factual and rational reality surrounding all of us. Although having a greater realistic understanding is a huge component in breaking the power of the deceptions which have taken hold within us, an even more powerful TRUTH is needed to fully break down the strongholds of fear and of selfish immature miscalculation.

We are compelled to move beyond this somewhat passive sensing; this important, yet only partial, degree of head knowledge about what is actually going on currently in our own surrounding environment. Although this level of knowing what is factually possible, or what could potentially happen to any of us based solely on human knowledge, is a substantial step forward toward wisdom, it is not sufficient for freedom and wholeness. If this level of TRUTH were enough, parents, family, and friends would have already been able to argue and convince the people we love into a more rational mindset.

Powerful, pro-active TRUTH that brings the necessary full life transformation is found most specifically in the Person of Jesus Himself! Operating through His written Word, the Bible, and by His Presence here in the earth today, the Holy Spirit, He is the antidote to all deception. This is TRUE no matter whether it is internalized from outside spiritual and natural influences into a person's thinking processes, or deeply held personal beliefs that have arisen out of wounds, neglect, control, or long ago intrusions and disasters that may have come into the life of the person living under these deceptions.

Jesus the TRUTH brings to bear His infinite power and revelation needed to set every person free at every level, if they are willing first to intellectually receive His heavenly compassion for them, and then relationally into their deepest innermost beings. When the door of our heart opens to the Light of the world, our focus becomes clear, and our entire innermost beings are scoured of all deception and cleansed to receive the TRUTH that makes us fully free indeed, able to live above deception in this life and able to walk in TRUTH, through the real dangers of this world, into His infinite peace beyond!

~Neil Uniacke, MC

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