As the foliage around us changes color and the farmers are harvesting their crops I am reminded of how the ant gets her food ready in the summer and stores it up for the winter. The ant has no authority over it to tell it what to do yet it goes about its business to make provisions for later on.
Go to the ant...Observe her ways and be wise, which, having no chief, officer or ruler, prepares her food in the summer And gathers her provision in the harvest. Proverbs 6:6-8 NASB
Are we putting up provisions for our winter as the ant does or do we need someone with authority to remind us to do so? How often do we put things off until tomorrow and when tomorrow comes it still does not get done? If we deal this way with our own life how do we help others learn to "put up provisions" for their winter?
As we sow our seeds in the spring we expect to harvest a crop in the fall and so it should be in every aspect of our life. We never know who we are witnesses to by our words or actions. We may never know in this lifetime whose lives we have touched by sowing our seeds of love and kindness but one day perhaps our loved ones will learn of how we made a difference in someone's life.
Have you sown seeds today or are you waiting for someone to remind you?
Elaine Campbell, MA
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